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Bizzaro world.

I had the pleasure of taking 3 days off my normal life. As in, I traveled from Sydney to the furthest point away ... Perth.

I was lucky enough to have some friends over on the west side. I stayed with the Shearons aka The Notorious Mum fam bam.

I thought, "Oh yeah, don't have to deal with my own kids". However, much to my FUCKING sheer shock I literally walked into bizarro world.

The Shearon's were the white folk version of my family. Down to the idiosyncrasies and odd personalities (and very heavy breathing).

I automatically took to the kids (including yelling) and oddly enough the normally clingy children who don't like other people (like my own kids) took to me.

Lisa and I quickly behaved like an old married couple who took joy in belittling and insulting one another. This is not a holiday but an odd unplanned Au Pair gig.

We also had a bunch of our online friends who wanted to catch up and hang. We even organised a BBQ. No one turned up. We realised we actually had no friends and the ones we did have all have agoraphobia.

One thing I will take away from this trip, thats there's an actual weird doppleganger family living in Perth who are EXACTLY like my family. They have the same tantrums, same arguments and the same sick God damn sense of humour as mine. All I know, is its the God's/Universes fucking joke, it's just sheer luck we weren't put in the same city. Because NO ONE deserves that.

Well shit Perth, at least your sunsets are beautiful and the people are friendly.

Except Frankie, Frankie ain't friendly.

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