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Au Revoir 2016! Don't self combust on your way out (or do).

Holy shitballs! Welcome to 2017!

Happy new year peeps! I don't know about you, but I'm FUCKEN thrilled 2016 is over.

Although I keep reading articles and blogs about the good things that occurred in 2016, for me it was a dark blur. I shouldn't take the wonderful things for granted. But majority of the last 2 years have been an absolute shitfight with a spoonful of heartache. So I'm content with whinging about it.

Now that we have that out of the way.

When the clock struck midnight on new years eve, I felt a shift. Be it energy, mindset or whatever the fuck it was. I'll take it! We are day 2 into the new year and I'm happy as Larry. I've had some small positives occur in the last 36 hours and I will hold on to those as a good omen for whats too come.

I also started a 365 days of grateful project. I've seen people do variations of it and thought it was great. But never was motivated to start. However this year, I took it by the balls and started my 365 day project. From what I've read about it (and have seen since starting) it really makes you stop and pay attention to the great things you have in your life. Last year I showed no gratitude, this year that will change.

But not before a quick whinge, my youngest (19 months) still won't sleep, controlled crying, controlled comforting, camping out (all by the way are the same fucking thing), Tressilian, Karitane, private consultant and white noise have done absolutely FUCK ALL! Do I just need to get used to never having a full nights sleep? Or is there hope? Send help.

DO get motivated and check out the 356 project (different variations of it)

DON'T consume yourself with what has occurred in the previous year.

Enjoy the continued celebrations and the cure to a hangover is to keep drinking.

Peace out!


Misfit Mum

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